Gain a voice at work.
Interested in organizing your workplace and joining our union? Fill out the form below and one of our organizers will reach out to you.
Every worker deserves that much along with decent compensation and a safe and healthy work environment. By joining together with your co-workers you can build an employee organization that gives you a real say over your job, puts you on more equal footing with your employer and ensures a better economic future for you and your co-workers.
Your right to form a union is protected by long-standing U.S. labor laws. While most employers use all kinds of excuses why unions aren’t needed and put up challenges to block organizing efforts, workers succeed every day in building powerful employee organizations.
OPEIU Local 12 can provide you and your co-workers with the tools and support needed to organize a union where you work. OPEIU Local 12 is a union of over 2500 members represented through more than 100 contracts. We are a democratic union governed by our members. OPEIU Local 12 members work in healthcare, nonprofits, credit unions, museums, schools, businesses, and more!