OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

HealthPartners members CAT meetings

Please note: July 9th CAT will be canceled and will resumed weekly meetings on July 16th.

HealthPartners members are gearing up for a strong contract campaign. HealthPartners Local 12 members can join us for CAT meetings by registering here:


All meetings are held weekly every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm over zoom unless explicitly said otherwise.

Latest News

Open Local 12 Executive Board position: Union Employees Sector Representative

Linda Kennedy, who served as the Public Employees Sector Representative on the OPEIU Local 12 Executive Board has recently retired. As we are sad to see her go, we are very excited for her retirement and this new chapter in her life. We wish you all the best, Linda!! Thank you for your service to this union and its members and for your years of great contributions to the OPEIU Local 12 Executive Board.

This that said, OPEIU Local 12 has an open Executive Board position for the Public Employees Sector Representative. This open position is reserved for those members working in the public sector. If you have interest in being a part of the OPEIU Local 12 Executive Board and are a member in good standing, please send a letter of interest to the Executive Board at eboard@opeiu12.org

Categories: Uncategorized

General Member Meeting

September General Membership Meeting

Date: Sept 25th, 2024
Time: 6PM
Place: Zoom only

Register Here