OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

HealthPartners members CAT meetings

Please note: July 9th CAT will be canceled and will resumed weekly meetings on July 16th.

HealthPartners members are gearing up for a strong contract campaign. HealthPartners Local 12 members can join us for CAT meetings by registering here:


All meetings are held weekly every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm over zoom unless explicitly said otherwise.

Latest News


Dear O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Members:

The 2019 O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 election is underway. A secret ballot election for the offices of
President, Vice President and two (2) Executive Board seats is being conducted by mail. Ballots
for this election have been mailed to members in good standing on 2/21/2019. The ballots were
mailed to members’ most current home address O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 has on file on. If you do not
receive a ballot, please call the office at 651-639-1212 to make sure we have the most up to date
address for you.

If you are missing the instructions, a ballot, a return envelope, a secret ballot envelope or if you
spoil a ballot, you may request a new ballot by contacting Election Chairperson, Stefanie Olson,
at stefanie1213@hotmail.com. If you request and return another ballot, only the replacement ballot
will be counted.

Otherwise, make sure you read the instructions very carefully on how to mark your ballot and how
to return your ballot. Make sure you mail your ballot in sufficient time for it to be received at
the OPEIU Local 12 Election Board Post Office Box at 2000 Co Rd B2, P.O. Box 131690,
Roseville, MN 55113 no later than 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March 15, 2019.
Categories: Uncategorized

General Member Meeting

September General Membership Meeting

Date: Sept 25th, 2024
Time: 6PM
Place: Zoom only

Register Here