OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12 OPEIU Local 12

OPEIU Local 12

HealthPartners members CAT meetings

Please note: July 9th CAT will be canceled and will resumed weekly meetings on July 16th.

HealthPartners members are gearing up for a strong contract campaign. HealthPartners Local 12 members can join us for CAT meetings by registering here:


All meetings are held weekly every Tuesday from 6:30-7:30pm over zoom unless explicitly said otherwise.

Latest News

Notice of Nominations/Elections and Proposed Amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws


Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Time: 6:00 P.M.

Location: 2277 Highway 36 W., Second Floor Large Conference Room, Roseville, MN 55113


Nominations and Elections

Nominations will be held for Officers and Executive Board Members to the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Executive Board at this meeting.


Article X: Nominations and Elections

Section 2: No member shall be elected or appointed to an office in or as an Executive Board member of this Union unless he/she has been a member of this Union in good standing for at least the preceding twelve (12) months in a unit under Contract with O.P.E.I.U., Local #12.


Section 3: The Officers and Executive Board shall be nominated from the floor at the January General Membership Meeting and three-year interval thereafter at the January General Membership Meetings. Their terms of office shall be three (3) years, commencing with their inauguration at the election year March General Membership Meeting and ending with the inauguration of the next newly elected Officers and Executive Board members.


Section 4: All members nominated shall indicate their acceptance or declination verbally if present at the meeting. Anyone nominating a member who is not in attendance at the meeting shall furnish a written statement by the nominee indicating acceptance of the nomination.


Article XI: Election Board

Section 1: An Election Board of three (3) members shall be elected at the Regular Membership Meeting after nominations for regular Officers have been closed. The Election Board shall have the right to appoint any clerical help required.


Section 2: The Election Board is charged with the duty of conducting the regular election of Officers and Executive Board Members of the Union. It shall make such regulations as shall assure the members of a fair and honest election. Any candidate shall have the right to have an observer at the counting of the ballots.


Proposed Amendments to the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Constitution and Bylaws


Per Article XXI Amendments: proposed amendments to the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Constitution and Bylaws was introduced by the Executive Board and presented to the membership at the November 14, 2018 General Membership Meeting. No discussion or vote was taken on the subject of the amendments at that meeting. This notice is being mailed to all members of the nature of the proposed amendments and to inform you that a vote will take place at the January 16, 2019 General Membership Meeting. Voting requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting for constitutional amendment to carry. A member in good standing who resides eighty (80) miles or more from the meeting location will be allowed to vote on proposed Amendments to the Constitution.


The major component of the amendments to the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Constitution and Bylaws are to conform with the International O.P.E.I.U. model Constitution.


If you would like a copy of the proposed amendments to the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 Constitution and Bylaws, please contact the O.P.E.I.U. Local 12 office at 651-639-1212 and one will be mailed to you to review prior to the General Membership Meeting.




Ryan Mortensen

Business Manager

O.P.E.I.U. Local 12

Categories: Uncategorized

General Member Meeting

September General Membership Meeting

Date: Sept 25th, 2024
Time: 6PM
Place: Zoom only

Register Here